Setting up phpMyAdmin on CentOS 6

Here's how to get phpMyAdmin, the MySQL GUI, working under CentOS 6:

Step 1: Turn on EPEL repository

phpMyAdmin is not included in default RHEL / CentOS repo. So turn on EPEL repo like this:
$ cd /tmp$ wget rpm -ivh epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm

Step 2: Install phpMyAdmin on a CentOS / RHEL Linux

Type the following yum command to download and install phpMyAdmin:
# yum search phpmyadmin# yum -y install phpmyadmin

Step 3: Fix phpMyAdmin permission

WARNING! What I'm about to show you is very dangerous, unless you are accessing phpMyAdmin using an ssh tunnel*

As root, edit:
Comment out lines that look like this:

#Order Allow,Deny #Deny from all Allow from

Restart apache with:

# service httpd restart

*To make using an ssh tunnel easier, edit your ~/.ssh/config file like this:

Host <anyNameYouLike>    HostName     User <username>    LocalForward 8080    LocalForward 8088

After you save the changes to the config file, you can now setup the tunnel to forward local ports to your MySQL server with:

ssh <anyNameYouLike>

Then just go to "http://localhost:8088/phpMyAdmin". If you are not asked for a user name and password, refer the the above permission changes.


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