
Showing posts from 2014

Setting up phpMyAdmin on CentOS 6

Here's how to get phpMyAdmin, the MySQL GUI, working under CentOS 6: Step 1: Turn on EPEL repository phpMyAdmin is not included in default RHEL / CentOS repo. So turn on EPEL repo like this: $ cd /tmp $ wget # rpm -ivh epel-release-6-8.noarch.rpm Step 2: Install phpMyAdmin on a CentOS / RHEL Linux Type the following yum command to download and install phpMyAdmin: # yum search phpmyadmin # yum -y install phpmyadmin Step 3: Fix phpMyAdmin permission WARNING! What I'm about to show you is very dangerous, unless you are accessing phpMyAdmin using an ssh tunnel* As root, edit: /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpmyadmin.conf Comment out lines that look like this: #Order Allow,Deny  #Deny from all  Allow from Restart apache with: # service httpd restart *To make using an ssh tunnel easier, edit your ~/.ssh/config file like this: Host <anyNameYouLike>    ...

How to get Chrome on MacOS to trust a self-signed certificate

In the address bar, click the red lock with the X. This will pop up a small information pane. Click "Certificate Information." Drag and drop the  image  to your desktop. It will look like a little certificate. Double-click it. This will bring up the Keychain Access utility. Enter your password to unlock it. Note: If you already have Keychain Access open, just got to File -> Import Item Select "System" key chain and "My Certificates" Click "Always Trust" After it has been added, double-click it. You may have to authenticate again. Expand the "Trust" section. "When using this certificate," set to "Always Trust" Close Keychain Access and restart Chrome, and the self-signed certificate should be recognized now by the browser without an error.

Install Oracle Java on CentOS from CLI

1. Make sure the CentOS 6.4 system is fully up-to-date, with: yum update 2. Once the update completes, check the system for any other installed Java packages using: rpm -qa | grep -E '^open[jre|jdk]|j[re|dk]' There was the java-1.6.0-openjdk- package already installed so I removed it with: yum remove java-1.6.0-openjdk 3. Download the required Java JDK package. I'm running 64 bit CentOS 6.4 so I needed to get the 64 bit Java JDK package from Oracle's Java download page. cd /usr/java/ (mkdir /usr/java if it doesn’t exist) wget --no-cookies --header "Cookie:;" Note: You will need to change the version number to make this work moving forward. 4. Install the downloaded package, with: ./chmod 755 jdk-6u33-linux-x6...

Download Jave SE 6 SDK from command line

When you try to download the Java 6 SE JDK from you have to check "Accept" before you can download. This make downloading form the command line with wget a bit tricky. This worked for me: wget -- no - cookies -- header "Cookie:;" http : //